Category: Uncategorized
Friday the 13th! Black Cats! Oh My!

Breaking news: Cat falls asleep
I feel the need, the need, for cats!
Spinnrädl Restaurant – A Favorite
I am putting together a show of my iPad digital sketches of old Kaiserslaltern, Germany. The Spinnrädl Restaurant is one my favorite iPad paintings, and places to eat. That’s me in front of it a couple of days ago, and my painting to the right.
The original photo that I worked from is below. It was taken by Peter Turgetto of the Kaiserslautern Media Center (which he founded) sometime in the late 1930s (best guess). Spinnrädl is one of the older buildings in Kaiserslautern, however, the building with the archway in the original photo was even older. Unfortunately, it was demoloshed to make room for a (tacky) new building.
Spinnrädl Wine Bar, Pub, and Restaurant: Schillerstraße 1; http://www.spinnraedl.de