It was another hot August afternoon in Paris this, but somebody had to do it. I did it, along with hundreds of my closest friends! Only a few of them made it into the painting. This is looking down Rue Poulbot from Rue Norvins.

It was another hot August afternoon in Paris this, but somebody had to do it. I did it, along with hundreds of my closest friends! Only a few of them made it into the painting. This is looking down Rue Poulbot from Rue Norvins.
I am working on my last two travel watercolors from my trip to Paris earlier this month: A view of Rue Polpot in Montmarte and a backside view of Notre Dame Cathedral. I will have an online show of all of my French watercolors when I am finished. Stay tuned for details.
After that, I’m finished with small travel paintings. I need to do something different, big. That’s not to say I will not do a sketch now and then. I still plan on lots of travels.
You can vote, have your say in my new direction. See tomorrow’s post.
I just returned from three weeks in Paris. I draw the Eiffel Tower every time I go to Paris.
Why the Effiel Tower, an over-done icon?
→ Why did George Mallory want to climb Mt. Everest?
→ Why did Willie Sutton rob banks?
→ Why do I draw the Eiffiel Tower?
So, enjoy Eiffel 2013. I will be posting drawings from my trip over the next few days.
“You can observe a lot just by watching.”
Yogi Berra