Today’s Studio Photo – Starting a new painting.
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Daily Studio Photo: end of the day
Today’s Studio Photo
I will be posting more shots from my studio. Maybe not quite daily, but often. This one is from the end of the day today, Saturday. The painting is my latest, The Oracle.
All work and no play
All day on the computer!
Well, we have to do computer work too. I am still bummed about the cancellation of the reception for my show at Art on Broadway. The Portland area just isn’t used to having and handling this much snowy and cold weather so many days in a row. I will let you know if/when the reception is rescheduled.
New Exhibition
New Exhibition!
- Two of my poppy paintings are in a show at the Art on Broadway Gallery in Beaverton, Oregon.
- Please come if you are in the area. I would love to see you.
- The reception is Sunday, January 15th (5:00 – 8:00 pm). The show ends on January 28th.
Art on Broadway; 12570 SW Broadway Street; Beaverton, OR
Open Hours: Tuesday-Saturday (11:00am – 5:00pm)

What did I do on New Year’s Day?
I was back in the studio. I’m composing my next painting on the computer. It gives me a little direction on where I might want to go with the painting. I will also do a couple of sketches before I begin drawing on the canvas.
Ok, so I went to a movie, too. I saw Rouge One; very good IMHO.
November 12th – mark your calendar
Sunday, October 30th was the final day of the Hillsboro Farmers Market – It was a wet one, as you can see by the photo of my booth. Rain is expected this time of year in Oregon and it did not deter the market-goers. It was the day before Halloween so I put out Foxy in a pumpkin. As usual, she was a hit with the kids.
So what’s next?
I plan on sending greeting cards of my travel watercolors to everyone who supported my art-making this past year, but I need your help. I will send an email on November 12th. If you do not receive one from me, then I do not have your email. So, I would like you to JOIN my email list. Thank you!
I’m back in the studio. That means more abstract flower paintings. I might even branch out beyond poppies and daisies. I am also restarting an old practice; figure painting. I love painting people, I’ve been away from it for too long.
New Watercolor – St Johns Bridge, Portland, Oregon
My latest Watercolor in my Portland Landmarks series – St Johns Bridge. It spans the Willamette River in North Portland.>
Having fun at Oktoberfest
I took a holiday, not to Munich, but to the little town of Mount Angel, Oregon. It’s their 51st year of celebrating Oktoberfest. They are really into it: 3 beer halls with entertainment and lots of good food that benefits local schools, churches, etc. I didn’t eat all day so what does every artist do? I ate dessert first! Then, of course, was beer. Back to making art tomorrow.
On the way to Mount Angel…
The first order of business…. then on to see how much Oompah music I can listen to. Note to self: Don’t try to drink the fox’s beer. She will bite.
Having fun.
Back home. All partied out on way too much Oompah music.