Annotated Alaska – the images are out.
I took 13 watercolors from my many cruises through Alaska and digitally mixed them with a nice border visual. The border is a totem pole design. I call the series Annotated Alaska because I write on them; notes about location and a brief narrative of the moment.
Tag: digital
What to do?
I have hit a decision point in my Current Project – Its a beautiful day in this neighborhood. I planned to do 10 digital paintings. Frankenstein Castle was number 9. I have one more painting to do, but I might do 2 or 3 more because 3 of the 9 are a triptych. That means I have 9 paintings, but only 7 different scenes. That means I should really do 3 more scenes.
So, I have a decision to make. Should I do 1 or 3 more paintings? I want to wrap up this series ASAP. I am also releasing 13 of my original Alaska travel paintings in a”mini poster” format on September 30th.
I think I know the answer as I write this, but if anyone has a comment I will gladly entertain it.
Digital Frankenstein
Alaska – Digitally remastered?
Mini Travel Posters – Pre-release:
Seattle – Embarkation point for cruises to Alaska. You won’t see this view for another week for most cruise lines. I have re-worked 13 of my original Alaska travel paintings into a “mini poster” format. Release date for the series is September 30th.

Won’t you be my neighbor?
I am in the middle of a series of about 10 paintings inspired by a line from Mr. Roger’s theme song: Won’t you be my neighbor. It’s a series of digital paintings of my new neighborhood in Southwestern Germany. I have uloaded some of the completed paintings in earlier blog posts.
I like the musical muse and am planning several more projects.
Ramstein – Latest painting in my Neighborhood series
What’s with the purple tree?
Looking East from my attic window, over the rooftops of Hochspeyer to the edge of the state forest beyond. Hochspeyer is surrounded by the northern end of the Naturpark Pfälzer Wald (Nature Park Rhineland-Palatinate Forest). I do not have a clue about the purple tree. A nice couple lives across the street and I will ask them about their tree as soon as I speak German a little better.