I just returned from three weeks in Paris. I draw the Eiffel Tower every time I go to Paris.
Why the Effiel Tower, an over-done icon?
→ Why did George Mallory want to climb Mt. Everest?
→ Why did Willie Sutton rob banks?
→ Why do I draw the Eiffiel Tower?
So, enjoy Eiffel 2013. I will be posting drawings from my trip over the next few days.
… and boy are my arms tired.
The series is on my website. Click here to go directly to the Landstuhl Series, or just step through the gate.
Took a painting weekend last week. Attended Beverly Never’s painting workshop. Always learning something new. Weather was bad so, other than a brief post-lunch walk, we stayed indoors and painted from photos of the German landscape. I’m in a rut. Time for a change.
I took a walk around the old part of Landstuhl Germany yesterday. I noticed that it’s full of old buildings and other old stuff. Some of the old stuff was older than the buildings. For example, the remains of a Roman grave is from about the year 100, which is way older than the Old Chapel (Alten Kapelle). It was built about 1300. By comparison, St. Andreas Church is much newer. It was built in 1752.
I got some nice ideas for paintings. So I guess I have started another project: Old Landstuhl.